I was learning about gRPC and was quite fascinated by it's capabilities. By looking at it's Server-side streaming RPC, I immediately thought about it's use as a Message Broker. Hence, I built a toy message broker! This article talks about my learnings and how I built Kaho-aur-Suno
in Go.
Technical Blog Posts!
Bring your own Load Balancer
In this article, I'm trying to explain how to build a Load Balancer from scratch using just C programming language and no other 3rd party libraries at all. I'll be using various techniques here including UNIX socket programming, multi-threading, thread pools and safety, data structures and containerizing. I'll try my best to explain all the concepts!
Packaging Reusable Code for Micro-services (NodeJS)
Let's say you're building a product which is spread across multiple micro-services. Generally the notion of micro-services is to develop independently, still there might be some parts of code which you'll tend to use in different micro-services as it is.
Negative Refractive Index
As studied in our physic classes, refractive index is generally a positive value. However, can this theory be turned upside down to view materials from another point of view? That’s the story of Metamaterials!
Light Speed Computation
Computing speed is defined by two factors: Firstly, how fast data can be transferred, and secondly how fast can data be processed. So, everything depends on the speed of electricity. But photons have a higher bandwidth than electrons. That’s the reason why optical fibre is a faster medium of data transmission. But what about computation?