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Technical Blog Posts!

· 19 min read
Kinjal Raykarmakar


I was learning about gRPC and was quite fascinated by it's capabilities. By looking at it's Server-side streaming RPC, I immediately thought about it's use as a Message Broker. Hence, I built a toy message broker! This article talks about my learnings and how I built Kaho-aur-Suno in Go.

· 18 min read
Kinjal Raykarmakar


In this article, I'm trying to explain how to build a Load Balancer from scratch using just C programming language and no other 3rd party libraries at all. I'll be using various techniques here including UNIX socket programming, multi-threading, thread pools and safety, data structures and containerizing. I'll try my best to explain all the concepts!

· 3 min read
Kinjal Raykarmakar


Computing speed is defined by two factors: Firstly, how fast data can be transferred, and secondly how fast can data be processed. So, everything depends on the speed of electricity. But photons have a higher bandwidth than electrons. That’s the reason why optical fibre is a faster medium of data transmission. But what about computation?